Loren Taylor Didn’t Successfully Call For Oakland Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Districts

YouTube video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvysXPiME_g

nflnewsbyzennie62.com Presents:

Loren Taylor Didn’t Successfully Call For Oakland Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Districts

. A vlog by the YouTube channel named in the video’s upper left corner and serves as the original blog post for this content.

Loren Taylor Didn’t Successfully Call For Creation Of Oakland Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Districts. Why he is putting out this complete untruth is because he does not know what the legislation is.I do. And I was the first to call for its use in Oakland in 2017. I presented the idea of using EIFD legislation for Howard Terminal to then Oakland A’s President Dave Kaval on April 4th 2017.Kaval turned to the Mayor or Oakland Libby Schaaf and with California State Senator Nancy Skinner created SB293 Skinner. That was the A’s version but the City of Oakland never implemented it.Then in 2022 February 2, at 2 PM, then Oakland Mayoral Candidate and District Four Oakland City Councilmember Sheng Thao asked to have what she called a “secret ZOOM meeting” with me because she did not know about EIFD legislation and tax increment financing.She wanted to make a city-wide EIFD zone but wanted free work from me on it. Plus she was already paying a TIF consultant! I said I needed to be paid for that.Afterward, Sheng avoided my interview requests, so I started spilling the beans on our secret ZOOM meeting.Oakland does not have an EIFD to this day. And Loren calls it an IFD or Infrastructure Financing District which is wrong. In California its called Enhanced to reflect the use of tax increment financing.Loren could have ask me about all of this but petty reasons prevent him from doing so. And Barbara Lee has her own problem with not getting help to Oakland Businesses when the PPP Loan program was not getting enough money to Oakland businesses.Stay tuned.


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Loren Taylor Didn’t Successfully Call For Oakland Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Districts

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